I am a big fan of the H.264 codec (and a bit of an evangelist for those who didn't know). For those who don't know what it is (and like a bit of light technical reading), check out Jeff Harrell's series on why H.264 will change the world. For the lucky few with Mac OS X and Quicktime 7, just click on the clip you want to watch and it will begin to stream. For the rest... I've provided a download link, and you'll have to watch it with VLC.
Originally I was going to include versions compressed with other lesser codecs, but it just wasn't worth the time or the bandwidth. And we need to get the word out about H.264!
In any case, here they are. Enjoy!
Wedding Slideshow [ download ]
This is a movie version of the slideshow we played at the beginning of the program. It is a little Annie-heavy (I realized this while it was playing), but oh well. It is very cute, mostly baby pictures and a few more recent pictures of the two of us. Sorry... there are a couple glitches, but sadly I lack the motivation (and time) to go back and fix it at this point.